Frequently asked questions

What types of suppliers and products do you source?

We specialize in sourcing a wide range of suppliers and products, including those for automotive, construction, textiles, and more, across Asia and Europe.

How long does it typically take to find a supplier or product?

The timeframe varies based on the complexity of your requirements. Typically, it takes from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the chosen delivery solution. We offer three delivery options: plain, train, and ship, each with its own benefits.

What steps are involved in your new client search process?

We analyze your business model to develop tailored strategies for acquiring new clients and securing initial contracts. Our approach involves targeted methods and market insights.

How do you ensure the quality of the products you source?

We conduct thorough evaluations and inspections of products and suppliers to ensure they meet your quality standards and specifications.

What does your risk management and consulting service include?

Our risk management and consulting services cover secure payment transactions, quality and specification discrepancies, risk of goods not being loaded, money refunds or product returns, and other related issues.

Can you assist with both domestic and international deliveries?

Yes, we handle secure and reliable delivery of goods both domestically and internationally, ensuring they reach the specified location. All deliveries are managed by time-tested partners.

How do you handle confidentiality in your consulting services?

We guarantee complete confidentiality in all projects, protecting your business information and sensitive details.

What makes your solutions reliable?

Our solutions are based on over 20 years of experience and a robust network of trusted partners, ensuring dependable and effective results.

How do you support clients in managing risks?

We provide expert advice and strategies to mitigate risks related to payment transactions, quality control, and other critical areas, helping you make informed decisions.

What industries do you primarily serve?

We serve a diverse range of industries, including automotive, construction, textiles, and more, leveraging our expertise to address various sector-specific needs.

What does your risk management and consulting service include?

Our risk management and consulting services cover secure payment transactions, quality and specification discrepancies, risk of goods not being loaded, money refunds or product returns, and other related issues.


Tilžes Str. 170 - 406, LT76296

Šiauliai city, Lithuania.

+ 370 611 23232 |

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Quanzhou, China

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